Updated National Website

Members told us about the need to improve our website, and we listened.

Starting today there are new and exciting changes to the Unifor National website and work is in progress to enhance our online presence.

Check out the new and simplified look to the homepage. These changes bring unifor.org in line with modern website layouts, relying on a simpler design with better use of images. The search function of the site is also being overhauled to help you locate great Unifor resources.

In an effort to support the needs and requests of members, the navigation has been reconfigured with new sections. While you search the site please note that our work is in progress, and materials and content will continue to be added and updated.

There a few new sections on the site that have been added:

    • A new standalone education section to help members learn about courses, conferences and the family education program;
    • A new standalone health and safety section with great resources and campaign information on your rights at work;
    • A new standalone equity section to learn about the work of committees and Unifor efforts to create a socially justice world;
    • A new standalone resource section to find research briefs, government submissions; and there is more.

As content is reviewed and updated on the site wide there has been a focus to ensure full bilingualism of all materials. The site can be viewed in either English or French but simply selecting your desired language, this button is located on the top of the home page.

Changes to the site are based directly on testing conducted with members during 2016 and an accessibility and usability audit that was conducted. The Communications Department will continue to find ways to improve the site. Tell us what you think – email communications@unifor.org.