All posts by Steve Busch

About Steve Busch

Local 911 President

Ontario Superior Court finds Bill 124 unconstitutionally removed workers’ rights

TORONTO – Unifor celebrates today’s decision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, which ruled that Premier Ford’s Bill 124 unduly infringes on workers’ rights.

“Today’s decision is a victory for not only public sector workers and unions across Ontario, but also for every Ontarian who relies on our public services,” Lana Payne, Unifor National President. “For the past four years, workers fought back against this wage suppression bill through direct action, lobbying, and sharing personal experiences. When workers organize for justice, we can win.”

The union urges Premier Ford to respect this decision and the Charter and make up for the wrongs of Bill 124, instead of choosing to appeal the decision of the Superior Court of Justice.

“This decisive ruling needs to be a learning lesson for the Ford government. Even majority governments need to respect workers’ rights and listen to people,” said Naureen Rizvi, Unifor Ontario Regional Director. “Public sector workers risked their lives for us during the pandemic and this wage suppression law made their lives harder and drove many from the sector. With this ruling I want to assure workers that we are shifting of focus on seeking remedies from the Ontario government.”

Unifor, alongside 40+ other unions and associations (including the OFL, OSSTF, ETFO, OECTA, ONA, OPSEU, the Society and PWU) filed a Notice of Application on August 28, 2020 with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. The unions argued that Bill 124 breaches the right to free collective bargaining under the freedom of association guarantee in s. 2(d) and the right to strike under the freedom of expression guarantee in s. 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The court held hearings from September 12-21, 2022.

Unifor represents approximately 18,155 members’ working in health care, education and social services sectors across Ontario who are affected by Bill 124.

Anti-scab legislation now!

Unifor is calling for anti-scab legislation in every jurisdiction in Canada. While a federal Liberal – NDP alliance has committed to introducing federal anti-scab legislation by the end of 2023, Unifor wants this legislation sooner. Let’s keep up the pressure to hold them accountable.

Unifor Family Education

Since the early 1970’s our Union has offered a Family Education Program for members and their families.

The program takes place during the summer months at the Unifor Family Education Centre in Port Elgin, Ontario.  A call letter is sent to all Unifor locals in January, with a registration deadline in April.  Selection is complete by early May.

If selected by the local/national union to attend, the member agrees to give up their vacation time and the national union covers costs for meals and accommodations while at the Unifor Family Education Centre, and where required, air travel.

Preteens participate in recreational programs run by fully-trained child care workers and counselors.

Teenagers participate in a specially-designed program which recognizes their unique interests but also incorporates the issues of social unionism in their curriculum.

Adults, both members and their spouse/partner, combine learning and recreational activities and come away from the program with a better understanding of how to integrate trade unionism and social activism in the life of the family and community. Through small group discussions, case studies, video presentations, guest speakers, role plays, art, music and other activities, participants draw from their own experiences and learn from each other about environmental, workplace, political, human rights, and social issues affecting all of us, our families, and working people around the world.

Every Unifor member, and their immediate family members, including dependent children up to 18 years of age, are eligible to attend the Family Education Program.

For more information about applying to attend the Family Education Summer Program, contact your Local Union Executive or Education Committee.

2025 Unifor Family Education Program

Upcoming Training and Education Workshops

The following conferences have been approved by the membership. If you are interested in any of these please let the executive know and additional information can be supplied.

Local Education Schedule   – Sask Area School Schedule -Winter-Spring 2025

National Schedule  Port Elgin  Link to National Training Schedule



Unifor Family Education Program
The Unifor Family Education Program is funded thought the National Union and Not the though the Paid Education Leave (PEL) fund. Unifor members are not required to have PEL in their collective agreement in order to apply.


Updated National Website

Members told us about the need to improve our website, and we listened.

Starting today there are new and exciting changes to the Unifor National website and work is in progress to enhance our online presence.

Check out the new and simplified look to the homepage. These changes bring in line with modern website layouts, relying on a simpler design with better use of images. The search function of the site is also being overhauled to help you locate great Unifor resources.

In an effort to support the needs and requests of members, the navigation has been reconfigured with new sections. While you search the site please note that our work is in progress, and materials and content will continue to be added and updated.

There a few new sections on the site that have been added:

    • A new standalone education section to help members learn about courses, conferences and the family education program;
    • A new standalone health and safety section with great resources and campaign information on your rights at work;
    • A new standalone equity section to learn about the work of committees and Unifor efforts to create a socially justice world;
    • A new standalone resource section to find research briefs, government submissions; and there is more.

As content is reviewed and updated on the site wide there has been a focus to ensure full bilingualism of all materials. The site can be viewed in either English or French but simply selecting your desired language, this button is located on the top of the home page.

Changes to the site are based directly on testing conducted with members during 2016 and an accessibility and usability audit that was conducted. The Communications Department will continue to find ways to improve the site. Tell us what you think – email